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resi® (*) is an OPEP device for respiratory therapy that helps to loosen sticky, viscous bronchial slime, even with constricted airways. resi is intended for use by patients with obstructive airway diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchitis or similar ailments.


Principle of action and scheme

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The respiratory therapy device is a small, pipe-shaped product consisting of a mouthpiece, a funnel, a stainless steel ball and a perforated headpiece. At rest (without respiratory movement), the stainless steel ball closes the funnel. When the patient exhales, a positive expiratory pressure (PEP) is created in the device and the airways. The PEP prevents the airway from collapsing through resi and increases until it is large enough to move the stainless steel ball so that it rolls up the wall of the funnel. Exhaling through the resi creates vibrations that increase the pressure in the bronchial tubes - down to the deepest branches - and vibrate the exhaled air so that the mucus is loosened from the bronchial walls and can be better transported away toward the mouth. This movement clears the way through the funnel and allows the pressure or air to escape. Then the stainless steel ball falls back and closes the opening in the funnel again. This causes the pressure to build up again in the unit.
The process repeats rapidly during exhalation, causing the bronchi to vibrate with oscillating positive exhalation pressure (OPEP). Tilting up or down causes the stainless steel ball to move faster or slower.

More information:

Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs), youtube video: click here.


Here are some videos:

How do perform OPEP therapy with the resi® OPEP device:

How to change the pressure:

resi® ad:

(*)The resi® trademark is protected in the EU, UK, Switzerland and various other countries.

(Image: from